Club Projects

Members must participate in at least one project during the year.  Our club focuses on two project areas - plants and animals - but other projects are encouraged.  If you have any questions, talk to one of the leaders about projects. 


We do a lot of plants and gardening activities including vegetables, flowers, containers, and many more.  Our Cloverbuds (5-7 year olds) mostly participate in this activity during club meetings. 


A lot of our 4-Hers (8-18 years old) participate in animal projects such as steers, swine, goats, rabbits, and chickens.  Cloverbuds (5-7 years old) can participate in small animal projects such as rabbits and chickens. 

Our club is also starting to learn livestock judging.  Members will learn to judge beef, swine, and sheep.  They will also have the opportunity to compete at the county and state levels. 

Other Projects

Members can participate in a variety of activities on their own.  We encourage members to do demonstrations during club meetings about their projects.  We can also start another project area within the club if there is enough interest from members.   

Florida 4-H Individual Project Enrollment Guide

Florida 4-H Cloverbud Project Enrollment Guide